Positive trend for agricultural enterprises in the Grosseto area
According to data from the chamber of commerce system, 71 new agricultural enterprises were born in the Maremma during 2019-2022 (+15.1%). Coldiretti Grosseto Giovani Impresa delegate Simone Parrucci said that agricultural activity needs investment in essential services and digital infrastructure, as well as improved access to credit and land capital. Currently, there are 542 agricultural […]
Pitigliano: preparatory meeting for agreement on Biological District
A preparatory meeting for the establishment of the Biological District was held in Pitigliano on Friday, October 13. The promoter committee, composed of the municipalities of Pitigliano, Sorano, Castell’Azzara, Roccalbegna, and Semproniano, collected the first twenty-five memberships of local organic farms. The member municipalities have agreed to bear the initial expenses of the first phase […]
Coldiretti: in Maremma +15.1% of businesses under 35
In the province of Grosseto, there are currently 542 agricultural enterprises run by people under 35, the highest number among all Italian provinces. This success is largely due to the “Tuscany model,” which boasts the highest number of multifunctional businesses nationwide, as many as 1,230 in total (28.4 percent of the total). These enterprises, in […]
Grosseto municipality’s PNRR construction sites kick off
The National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRP) in Grosseto is taking shape. With a total of 30 projects, funding in excess of 38 million euros, more than 4 million euros in municipal contribution, 12 million euros in private co-financing, and an additional 20 million euros in indirect investments. It is estimated that the total effect […]
Supply and demand intersection report for the province of Grosseto published
The Maremma and Tyrrhenian Chamber of Commerce has published the new report on the intersection of labor supply and demand by educational qualification reported to the year 2023. In 2022, the share of hard-to-find candidates for Grosseto businesses came in at 32.8 percent. Professionals over 30 seem to be harder to find. In the period […]
Maremma and Tyrrhenian Chamber of Commerce publishes two new calls on PCTO and Energy Transition
Call for proposals for the implementation of PCTO and related initiatives The Maremma and Tyrrhenian Chamber of Commerce has published a call for proposals aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises for the purpose of awarding a grant for the realization of Pathways for Transversal Skills and Orientation (PCTO) and/or project work, carried out from January […]
NaDEF 2023 approved
At the proposal of Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, the 2023 Update Note to the DEF (NADEF) with new forecasts for the three-year period 2024-2026 was approved on September 27 by the Council of Ministers. The document was prepared taking into account “an economic-financial framework burdened by the effects of a restrictive monetary policy based on rising […]
ESG & Agribusiness
On Friday, September 22 at 5:30 p.m., the Cassero Hall in Grosseto will host “ESG & Agribusiness,” an event organized in collaboration with Antichi law firm and Scheggi law firm. The event aims to delve into the ways through which local experiences in agribusiness can help support local businesses also in terms of ESG compliance. […]
Changes to the three-year plan for public works: 2 mln more
On September 14, the Grosseto City Council approved amendments to the 2023-2025 three-year plan for public works. From FOI, the Indifferent Works Fund of which the municipality was a beneficiary – more than 2 million 900 thousand euros are allocated in aid of PNRR projects. During the presentation, Councillor for Public Works, Riccardo Gianneschi, assured […]
Investing in Tuscany: Guide to regional incentives
The Region of Tuscany provides an Incentives Orientation Guide for businesses and freelancers operating in the territory, in order to help them access a wide range of economic support opportunities, available both regionally and nationally. These incentives and facilities are designed to promote the competitiveness and sustainable growth of productive activities in Tuscany, spanning across […]