The Tuscany Region has approved the guidelines for nine calls for proposals, with a total funding of 118.8 million euros included in the regional programming Fesr 2021-2027. The aim is to strengthen and enhance the competitiveness of the Tuscan productive system, with particular attention to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). The calls for proposals, presented by President Eugenio Giani and Economic Development Councillor Leonardo Marras, cover various sectors, from commerce to tourism, and aim to promote innovation and entrepreneurship, especially in less urbanized areas of Tuscany.
The measures provide for subsidies to access credit, investments in research and development, digital innovation, and the creation of innovative start-ups. The managing entity for the calls will be Sviluppo Toscana, which will focus on financial engineering for MSMEs and innovative services with an emphasis on internal areas and collaborative economy.