Invest in Grosseto conference: press releases and materials presented

There was a lot of participation yesterday in Grosseto at the conference “Investing in Grosseto and Tuscany: the national and regional framework, opportunities and constraints in the Grosseto area,” organized by the municipality of Grosseto as part of the Invest In Tuscany project.

It was a day aimed at businesses from across the region, as well as freelancers, local authorities, young people and the world of associations, to reflect on the factors of attractiveness of Tuscany in some strategic supply chains for the economy of the Maremma: the agri-food industry, the tourism and accommodation sector, the sea economy and innovative manufacturing. The project, also carried out in collaboration with trade associations in the area, has already taken its first steps and is being developed. “In recent months we have created a dedicated portal(, a sort of showcase of the area’s opportunities also open to territorial stakeholders, in which to convey the territory’s tangible and intangible offerings, also highlighting the supply of areas for productive and/or commercial use,” say Mayor Antonfrancesco Vivarelli Colonna and Deputy Mayor Bruno Ceccherini. In addition, we launched a survey on “doing business in Grosseto” conducted by the Promo Pa Foundation together with associations, the main results of which were released during the conference. A tool that proved to be particularly effective in putting in place measures to simplify relations between businesses and the municipality. In these days a communication campaign dedicated to investment opportunities in Grosseto will be launched soon,” they conclude, “through which we want to communicate that our territory is yes a beautiful land for nature, sea and culture, but it is also an area where one can invest and where companies that believe in sustainability, creativity and innovation can find an interesting place. The debate featured important stakeholders who, at the regional and local level, deal with investment attraction and competitiveness in the territory’s strategic supply chains.

In the first part of the day, introduced and moderated by Gaetano Scognamiglio, president of Promo Pa Foundation, and after greetings from Antonfrancesco Vivarelli Colonna, mayor of Grosseto, and Riccardo Breda, president Cciaa of Grosseto and Livorno, investment attraction of the Region of Tuscany and the Invest in Tuscany network were discussed with Filippo Giabbani director in charge of the Region’s International Activities and Investment Attraction sector, the views of stakeholders and businesses with a focus on organic farming and sustainability with Mayor Vivarelli Colonna, president of the Maremma Toscana Organic District.

The food industry, hospitality and wellness were discussed with Cristiano Casa, president Visit Emilia, and Massimo Manferdini, commercial director Ridolfi Mansueto Spa, respectively, while the economy of the sea was discussed with Luciano Serra, president Assonat-Confcommercio National Association of Landings and Marinas.

In the second part of the discussion, the activities of the municipality of Grosseto regarding the new urban plan, a fundamentally important tool for possible investors, were outlined, while businesses and operators in the sector analyzed the critical issues and opportunities in the area.

All of this was discussed with Marco De Bianchi, city planning sector manager of the Municipality of Grosseto; Annalisa Giachi, research manager Promo PA Foundation; Daniele Barbetti, president Federalberghi Toscana; Paola Checcacci, Massimo De Blasis, president Ance Grosseto; Federico Guidarelli, general manager Novair Noxerior; Paolo Pieraccini, Hotel Miramare e Aqua; Stefano Sagina, Ecista s.r.l.s; Amedeo Vasellini, president Asso Hotel, moderated by Enrico Pizzi of Tv9. Concluding the debate was Bruno Ceccherini, deputy mayor and alderman for productive activities of the City of Grosseto.





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A city accessible to large urban areas

The city of Grosseto lies on the Rome-Livorno road axis and is connected to the large urban areas of Siena and Florence via the E78.


With regard to the Rome-Livorno axis (the so-called Tirrenica), the Italian government has announced that in 2025 work will begin on upgrading and securing one of the territory’s main road axes, with plans to upgrade, among other things, the Grosseto south-San Pietro in Palazzi section and the central section from Ansedonia to Grosseto.


As for the Siena-Grosseto link, work is under way to upgrade the E78 to four lanes .

The work specifically concerns a section of about 11.8 kilometers and affects the municipalities of Sovicille, Murlo and Monticiano.


The work, for a total investment of 195 million euros, consists of upgrading the SS223 “di Paganico” to four lanes by building a new carriageway alongside the existing one.


Grosseto also has a civil airport (Grosseto Airport-Seam Spa), which currently serves private flights, with a very strong charter traffic of about 1,500 charter flights a year for business and tourist visits.



Aeroporto Leonardo da Vinci di Roma Fiumicino a 170 Km


Aeroporto Galileo Galilei di Pisa a 155 Km


Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci di Firenze a 155 Km



Porto di Civitavecchia a 109 Km
(per Corsica, Sardegna, Sicilia, e Isola di Capraia)


Porto di Piombino a 73 Km
(per Isola d’Elba, Isola di Pianosa, Sardegna, e Corsica)



2 ore


1 ora e 30 minuti



Grosseto-Roma, Grosseto-Sarzana

